DIY powder laundry soap
1 bar finely grated Fels Naptha bar soap (or other bar soap such as Ivory or Dr. Bronner's).
2 cups borax
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup oxy clean
15 drops of essential oils (optional)
- I use tea tree and lavender or lemon and citrus fresh with Young Living
To make finely grate your bar soap, mix in washing soda, borax, baking soda, and oxy clean and mix well. Next drop in your essential oils I usually will do 7 drops of lavender and 8 drops of tea tree and again mix well. Pour into a lidded container with a scoop. I typically use 1/8-1/4 cup for each load depending on how big the load is or how dirty.
DIY Cloth diaper laundry soap
1 cup borax
1 cup oxy clean
15 drops essential oils (optional)
- note if no essential oils are used expect diapers to smell like nothing.
- I use tea tree and lavender I think it "cuts down" on the smell when dirty and leaves a fresh clean smell after they are cleaned.
To make add washing soda, borax, and oxy clean to a large mason jar put the lid on and shake. (I store this in the mason jar so I do this to save dishes.) Next add your essential oils and shake again until oils are mix in. I use 1/8 cup for most loads. I will share with you how I keep and wash my cloth diapers in a front loader in a coming blog post.
To make add washing soda, borax, and oxy clean to a large mason jar put the lid on and shake. (I store this in the mason jar so I do this to save dishes.) Next add your essential oils and shake again until oils are mix in. I use 1/8 cup for most loads. I will share with you how I keep and wash my cloth diapers in a front loader in a coming blog post.
If you are in need of essential oils Young Living is a great place to get them from. Their oils are among the purest and some are safe enough to ingest.
If you are interested in trying essential oils email me at
If you sign up with the starter kit through me you will receive a free essential rewards reference guide ($25 value) just email me when you have signed up with your home address and I will send it out.