Thursday, April 16, 2015

Easy DIY Laundry Soap

      I make both my regular laundry soap and my cloth diaper laundry soap neither are very hard to make. They will both save you a lot of money on laundry and your clothes will be clean.  First regular powder laundry soap....

                                                           DIY powder laundry soap

1 bar finely grated Fels Naptha bar soap (or other bar soap such as Ivory or Dr. Bronner's). 
2 cups washing soda
2 cups borax
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup oxy clean 
15 drops of essential oils (optional) 
- I use tea tree and lavender or lemon and citrus fresh with Young Living

       To make finely grate your bar soap, mix in washing soda, borax, baking soda, and oxy clean and mix well.  Next drop in your essential oils I usually will do 7 drops of lavender and 8 drops of tea tree and again mix well. Pour into a lidded container with a scoop. I typically use 1/8-1/4 cup for each load depending on how big the load is or how dirty.


                                                       DIY Cloth diaper laundry soap 

1 cup washing soda
1 cup borax
1 cup oxy clean 
15 drops essential oils (optional) 
- note if no essential oils are used expect diapers to smell like nothing.
- I use tea tree and lavender I think it "cuts down" on the smell when dirty and leaves a fresh clean smell after they are cleaned.

     To make add washing soda, borax, and oxy clean to a large mason jar put the lid on and shake. (I store this in the mason jar so I do this to save dishes.) Next add your essential oils and shake again until oils are mix in. I use 1/8 cup for most loads. I will share with you how I keep and wash my cloth diapers in a front loader in a coming blog post.

     If you are in need of essential oils Young Living is a great place to get them from. Their oils are among the purest and some are safe enough to ingest. 
If you are interested in trying essential oils email me at 
Or  go to and type in my member id # 2316195 and sign up today.
If you sign up with the starter kit through me you will receive a free essential rewards reference guide ($25 value) just email me when you have signed up with your home address and I will send it out. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Our favorite healthy green smoothie

My girls and I love smoothies and I especially love that they are packed with nutrients. The girls just think it's a treat, but they won't accually drink a smoothie if it has a green color so I trick them ;), blue berries are awesome for changing the color of a smoothie. Here is the recipe...

1.5 cups ice
1 cup water
1 handful of blueberries
2 handfuls of spinach 
1/4 cup rasberries
2 cups of strawberries 
1.5 bananas

Blend and add small amounts of water to thin or less to leave thick.
Makes 4 servings 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Homeschool Schedule

We have been extra relaxed with homeschool I feel like things are just starting to normalize from being pregnant and having a new baby in the house. We have a temporary schedule right now that I thought I would share with you. I am doing kindergarten and a little preschool with my 5 and almost 3 year old.

630-8 Free Play/TV time/Feeding baby
8-830 Breakfast
830-9 Clean up/ Get Dressed
9-930 Language Arts (reading, phonics, writing)
930-10 Break/ Feeding baby
10-1030 Math (right now we are learning about money)
1030-11 Snack
11-1130 Science (this month is one section in Apologia's exploring creation with astronomy and one activity every other day with the magic school bus's "The secrets of space"
1130-1230 Free play (outside)
1230-1 Lunch/ Feeding baby
1-3 Quite time/ Nap time
3-4 Free Play/ Story time/ Feeding baby
4-5 Dinner prep
530-615 Dinner time
615-630 Clean up
630-7 Daddy time/Feeding baby
7-8 Bedtime routine
8 Bedtime

We are still working with a breast feed 2 month old and so far this seems to be working out great.  How do you manage your homeschool with a newborn? I would love to know any tips or tricks.

Thank you have a blessed day,

A mom around the clock

Life Update #1

My life is consumed by my amazing three kids and my wonderful husband.  Since my son was born I have been non stop moving someone needs something at all times and when they are sleeping or occupied cleaning is being done.  I am surprisingly loving it all, three years ago I never thought I would say that I was tired and done about to burst pregnant with baby number two I thought how am I going to do this? A couple a months ago about to burst pregnant with baby number three I thought how am I going to do this? It is amazing what us mothers are capable of I am very tired and not getting near enough sleep but I am thoroughly enjoying every minute.

Friday, January 9, 2015

First week of homeschool update

          Well..... The first week was a success we did everything I planned and I felt it was manageable.  Carly did pretty well, we did have some hiccups in the focus department but I have hope for next week.  I have my vetiver, and tranquil essential oils coming in Monday. We will see if that improves things, crossing my fingers. Our schedule went very smoothly.  I made sure to have everything planned out so if I felt lost or confused I had something to look at to help me out. I want Carly to be able to know what's coming next too.
My schedule included things like each meal of the day, subjects and what to cover in those subjects, and chore lists for me and for Carly. I had everything detailed to the minute. We may have been off by 10-15 minutes sometimes but it really helped us stay on task and not spend to much or too little time on one thing. I will go into detail on how I schedule my homeschool days next week. Do you have any essential oil ideas for my almost 5 year old with possible ADHD or other ways to help emprove her focus or calm her down? Please let me know. Any information would really help. Thank you for reading, and have a blessed day.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Kindergarten Homeschooling Curriculum Choices

In light of officially starting kindergarten homeschool with my 4 soon to be 5 year old I thought I would share with you my subject and curriculum choices for the new school year. I would like to start by saying that I have looked in to many different types of curriculum trying to stick with a faith base especially in science. I would like to add that we are on a budget so this was a factor I had to consider. Many of the homeschooling moms I talk with from my church have chosen My Fathers World. I of course seriously considered using this it would be easy everything is planned out each subject decided and what to teach when and in what order and it is faith based. For Christian homeschooling mom not to mention a new Christian homeschool mom this seemed like a really great option and it's affordable. I did like it and would have chosen it if it wasn't for the fact that I really like more control and I have more of an eclectic homeschooling style. So I kept looking and this is what we decided to use.
HOP- Hooked on Phonics 
How to Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons 

Basic dry erase upper and lower case writing workbook from Walmart
Kindergarten handwriting paper 

"Exploring Creation with Astronomy" from Apologia 

Social studies-
Home learning year by year- as a resource for units to cover 

Home learning year by year- as a resource for grade appropriate mathematics topics 

Activites from science or social studies, and seasonal or holiday related crafts 
Music- online free piano lessons through

YMCA membership 
Friday play dates at the Y
Swim lessons
Tumbling Class 

For kindergarten I have much confidence these options will teach my daughter everything and more that she needs to learn. When we start 1st grade and beyond I will add to this a more structured math and social studies curriculum. I hope this helps you when looking into curriculum options remember every family is different what works for us may not work for your family.

Sales in January

Each month brings different sales depending in the holiday or what a large group of society has going on. When you are on a budget and shop for sales to stock up these are good items as a rule of thumb to look for. For the month of January you want to look for the following items:
After Christmas, Christmas sale
-Everyone is trying to get ride of their stock from the holiday you can get Christmas items for 50, 70, 75, and sometimes 90, 95 percent off. It's a great time to supply next years decor and activitys for the kiddos. I wouldn't recommend ginger bread house kits to save, but I think candy canes may be a safe option. Watch expiration dates, you don't want to open up Christmas box at the end of the year and see a bunch of holiday themed food or candy items that have gone bad.
New Years resolutions are a big topic right now look for:
-weightloss supplements
-work out equipment
-gym memberships 
Spring cleaning
-storage items
End of winter
-Warm season clothes outer wear
-cold and flu meds 

Stock up!!! I'll post February's list toward the end of January so you can plan for the upcoming sales. Do you know anything I missed if so please comment and let me know. As always god bless you all and thanks for reading.
If you liked this post you may also like Couponing 101- Lesson 1

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A New Year

          Welcome to 2015!!!!! I'm only 7 days late.... For me a new year usually means just another day filled with the same ol' same ol'. While this maybe true this year it is also coming with a host of very big new additions in my life; clean eating, using essential oils, making DIY cleaning and hygiene products, homeschooling kindergarten, dealing with a possibly ADHD child while being undiagnosed ADHD myself, potty training my 2 year old, Having a third child in about 5 weeks, and cloth diapering and breast feeding for the first time.
          Towards the middle of November my family and I decided to switch to a clean eating diet due to several reasons one being, I was gaining weight way faster than I thought I should, two my husband is sympathetic to that weight gain (He is so sweet), three all of those processed foods I was feeding my girls was causing my daughters symptoms to worsen everything else fell in line with the clean eating. I am a bit of an extremist if you haven't notice.
           When my husband and I decided to home school I told him I wanted to do it year round. I feel the long summer time break makes for a lot of unnecessary re-teaching. So the question was when would I officially start my oldest in full fledged kindergarten. I decided that the first Monday of the year when the child turns 5 would be a good time to start kindergarten. This will allowed for a Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years break that will last a little over a month. Giving us year round school taking off 2 weeks every two months. Anyway... my daughter turns 5 in February which means school started on the 5th.
          I am starting to feel the pressure of all the things I have added to my life. I did not intentionally overload my self, things just kind of fell this way. This is my season in life. In the next weeks and months I will share with you how I am coping with the madness and the steps I am taking to make it easier. I will also review and share clean eating recipes and DIY products. Do you have a similar story to tell? What season are you in? I would love to hear from you! I hope this new year will bring you good health, a growing faith, and a sense of joy from serving god though serving your family.