Thursday, January 8, 2015

Kindergarten Homeschooling Curriculum Choices

In light of officially starting kindergarten homeschool with my 4 soon to be 5 year old I thought I would share with you my subject and curriculum choices for the new school year. I would like to start by saying that I have looked in to many different types of curriculum trying to stick with a faith base especially in science. I would like to add that we are on a budget so this was a factor I had to consider. Many of the homeschooling moms I talk with from my church have chosen My Fathers World. I of course seriously considered using this it would be easy everything is planned out each subject decided and what to teach when and in what order and it is faith based. For Christian homeschooling mom not to mention a new Christian homeschool mom this seemed like a really great option and it's affordable. I did like it and would have chosen it if it wasn't for the fact that I really like more control and I have more of an eclectic homeschooling style. So I kept looking and this is what we decided to use.
HOP- Hooked on Phonics 
How to Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons 

Basic dry erase upper and lower case writing workbook from Walmart
Kindergarten handwriting paper 

"Exploring Creation with Astronomy" from Apologia 

Social studies-
Home learning year by year- as a resource for units to cover 

Home learning year by year- as a resource for grade appropriate mathematics topics 

Activites from science or social studies, and seasonal or holiday related crafts 
Music- online free piano lessons through

YMCA membership 
Friday play dates at the Y
Swim lessons
Tumbling Class 

For kindergarten I have much confidence these options will teach my daughter everything and more that she needs to learn. When we start 1st grade and beyond I will add to this a more structured math and social studies curriculum. I hope this helps you when looking into curriculum options remember every family is different what works for us may not work for your family.