Thursday, January 8, 2015

Sales in January

Each month brings different sales depending in the holiday or what a large group of society has going on. When you are on a budget and shop for sales to stock up these are good items as a rule of thumb to look for. For the month of January you want to look for the following items:
After Christmas, Christmas sale
-Everyone is trying to get ride of their stock from the holiday you can get Christmas items for 50, 70, 75, and sometimes 90, 95 percent off. It's a great time to supply next years decor and activitys for the kiddos. I wouldn't recommend ginger bread house kits to save, but I think candy canes may be a safe option. Watch expiration dates, you don't want to open up Christmas box at the end of the year and see a bunch of holiday themed food or candy items that have gone bad.
New Years resolutions are a big topic right now look for:
-weightloss supplements
-work out equipment
-gym memberships 
Spring cleaning
-storage items
End of winter
-Warm season clothes outer wear
-cold and flu meds 

Stock up!!! I'll post February's list toward the end of January so you can plan for the upcoming sales. Do you know anything I missed if so please comment and let me know. As always god bless you all and thanks for reading.
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