Well..... The first week was a success we did everything I planned and I felt it was manageable. Carly did pretty well, we did have some hiccups in the focus department but I have hope for next week. I have my vetiver, and tranquil essential oils coming in Monday.

We will see if that improves things, crossing
my fingers. Our schedule went very smoothly. I made sure to have everything planned out so if I felt lost or confused I had something to look at to help me out. I want Carly to be able to know what's coming next too.
My schedule included things like each meal of the day, subjects and what to cover in those subjects, and chore lists for me and for Carly. I had everything detailed to the minute. We may have been off by 10-15 minutes sometimes but it really helped us stay on task and not spend to much or too little time on one thing. I will go into detail on how I schedule my homeschool days next week. Do you have any essential oil ideas for my almost 5 year old with possible ADHD or other ways to help emprove her focus or calm her down? Please let me know. Any information would really help. Thank you for reading, and have a blessed day.
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