Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A New Year

          Welcome to 2015!!!!! I'm only 7 days late.... For me a new year usually means just another day filled with the same ol' same ol'. While this maybe true this year it is also coming with a host of very big new additions in my life; clean eating, using essential oils, making DIY cleaning and hygiene products, homeschooling kindergarten, dealing with a possibly ADHD child while being undiagnosed ADHD myself, potty training my 2 year old, Having a third child in about 5 weeks, and cloth diapering and breast feeding for the first time.
          Towards the middle of November my family and I decided to switch to a clean eating diet due to several reasons one being, I was gaining weight way faster than I thought I should, two my husband is sympathetic to that weight gain (He is so sweet), three all of those processed foods I was feeding my girls was causing my daughters symptoms to worsen everything else fell in line with the clean eating. I am a bit of an extremist if you haven't notice.
           When my husband and I decided to home school I told him I wanted to do it year round. I feel the long summer time break makes for a lot of unnecessary re-teaching. So the question was when would I officially start my oldest in full fledged kindergarten. I decided that the first Monday of the year when the child turns 5 would be a good time to start kindergarten. This will allowed for a Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years break that will last a little over a month. Giving us year round school taking off 2 weeks every two months. Anyway... my daughter turns 5 in February which means school started on the 5th.
          I am starting to feel the pressure of all the things I have added to my life. I did not intentionally overload my self, things just kind of fell this way. This is my season in life. In the next weeks and months I will share with you how I am coping with the madness and the steps I am taking to make it easier. I will also review and share clean eating recipes and DIY products. Do you have a similar story to tell? What season are you in? I would love to hear from you! I hope this new year will bring you good health, a growing faith, and a sense of joy from serving god though serving your family.

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